But something still seems wrong to me, to be defeated by a rat with a sword that might as well be made of wet paper. I did some reading, and I know Morrowind's combat is not the same as Oblivion/Skyrim, and that it is based on a dice-roll type style. I am getting mauled to death by rats and crabs as a result. Aside from 1 out of 100 attacks succeeding, my weapons are useless. my 2nd swing usually hits them, but that's it. MY PROBLEM: I can swing, swing, swing my dagger or shortsword with perfect aim. I embarked on this journey, and encoutered a Rat, and a Mudcrab on the road. My next task is to go north to the next town and deliver my papers. (My character is a Dark Elf Battlemage if it helps). Here's my situation: I started the game, got the dagger from the table, completed one side quest in town, and bought an iron shortsword.